Wednesday, December 17, 2008

OROVO Epuri skin care ~ press release

Just released ~ a press release concerning the OROVO Epuri 'EveryDay' skin care products!

The new OROVO Epuri is NOW a full line of products ~

OROVO, healthy skin care products............. what a terrific GIFT!

Small Business Success ~ What To Do

Jim Tracy, President and Founder, America’s Best Companies reveals simple ways to help your business remain competitive in today’s marketplace. - especially during these hard economic times.

* “What can I do for you?” — Just ask your customers this question. One well known organization increased their sales by over a billion dollars simply by asking, “Can I supersize that for you?” If they didn’t ask, you wouldn’t have supersized.

* Form a mastermind group – There are many businesses that have survived past economic downturns and they have advice to share. Form a mastermind group with several of these local small business owners and meet over coffee once a month. Share ideas, network and educate one another.

* Become known within your community — Participate in local parades, become involved in your children’s activities like boy/girl scouts and schools - participate in speaking engagements.

* Distribute a newsletter – Share updates, offer promotions, send reminders and speak directly to your customers while keeping your business top-of-mind for them.

* Every business should have a website – From the mom and pop pizza shop, to the hair salon owner, to the electrician and so on. If you want to attract anyone under 30-45 years old to your business, you MUST have a website.

Opportunities abound and Jim provides many of the key steps to take advantage of these opportunistic times to ensure your businesses survival and continued success.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Small Business Cash flow in 'free fall'

The National Federation of Independent Businessowners (NFIB) new poll offers some insight into how small business owners are dealing with this economic downturn.

Here are a few of the findings:

- 20 % have reduced, postponed or cancelled a planned investment or reinvestment in the last 6 months; the slowing economy's 'free fall' is the primary reason in more than half of these cases. They also show much more prudence in their resource commitments for expansion.

- Increased marketing and sales activity is an often common strategy to combat an economic downturn. However, this is one of the least frequent approaches a small business owner uses.

- 44 % are spending more time at their businesses today than 6 months ago.

- Over the past 6 months, small business owners have become more attentive to cash flow and inventory status as well. Thse actions are key, and should also include cutting overhead and debt.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Affiliate Marketers, Take Note..........

Get Your Movie Ticket HERE!
Left side!

Learn what this business is all about. I have 3 days to hand you a 'real deal'. What a deal ~ your own home based business 'funded' in your first month.

My Team offers free online network marketing training as well as a connection with OROVO supplements for health, weight loss, and wholesale pricing as an OROVO Associate. This is a win-win for everyone.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Little Lulu Designs........

A new home based business specializing in custom/personalized stationery & paper products has been discovered... Little Lulu Designs. Located in Loveland, Ohio, business owner: Jenn Metzger.

Mrs Metzger has many unique designs available, and can customize to your taste. Check out her website, I know for sure she would welcome your new design thoughts!

Little Lulu Designs, Loveland, Ohio

Friday, October 31, 2008

OROVO ~ the opportunity

This ONE is for the person who wants a GREAT product.... but reasonably priced! Sign in as an Associate, the pricing is better!

The OROVO business opportunity is truly amazing.

There is a monthly 'bonus' for Business Builder Leaders. With 20 personal signups you participate in the Leadership Pool. Do the math! This is an online home based business opportunity.

Join with me as an associate business builder ~ fund your retirement accounts ~ again!

Interested? Please connect with me, I can assist you in signing up.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

5 Ways to Lower Your Tax Bill

via Business Pundit by Lela Davidson on 10/24/08

I like to look on the bright side. Whenever my tax bill has gone up in the past, it’s been because I had made a lot more money. That’s a good thing.

If you’re worried about your small business tax bill increasing, take heart in the fact that there are plenty of ways to spend money and avoid taxation on that money. Some of the expenditures serve you now, some will make your business better down the road, and still others help your employees.

Here are five ways to take a bite out of your taxes come April.

1. Buy insurance.
Health insurance is expensive. If you don’t already provide quality health coverage to your employees, start. This one action alone will go a long way toward eating up that extra income. And your employees will love you for it.

2. Invest in a retirement plan.
There are many small business retirement plans including SEPs, SIMPLEs, and even 401k plans. Chances are if you’re like most Americans, you’re not saving as much for your future as you could. And if you’ve never considered contributing to employees’ retirement, you should. It’s a huge benefit that can attract high quality employees.

3. Grow the business.
Got extra cash? Buy things to help you expand. This year’s Economic Stimulus Act bumped Section 179 depreciation to $250,000. What that means is that you can purchase certain assets and then subtract them right off your bottom line instead of depreciating them over time.

4. Give
If you’re adamantly opposed to paying higher taxes to support an expanded governmental role, what better way to avoid the tax and ’spread your own wealth’ to the causes of your choice than to make a charitable contribution? In most cases you can give away half of your Adjusted Gross Income. That’ll take a chunk out of what you owe.

5. Complicate your life.
The more money you’re making, the more important it is to get good tax advice, and general business counsel for that matter. A good accountant will help you plan expenditures and structure businesses to your best advantage. For example, you may need to incorporate to take advantage of certain benefits, or to decrease your personal take home pay. ~ I realize this sounds like an ad, but it’s true that good business advice is worth the expense.

Taxes are a cost of doing business. Stop worrying about paying more, and spend some money on expert advice so you’ll pay as little as possible.